Momentra Partnerships

Momentra® successfully collaborates with our Senior Services and Payer partners to solve many SDoA, helping Older Adults live happier, healthier lives and age at home for longer and with dignity.  Momentra founders have  30 years of experience operating in the Senior Care industry and are all too aware of the issues facing our Older Adults.  As such, we have developed a biosystem of continuous engagement and enrichment to support our partners across a full spectrum KPI’s.

Seamless Integration

We seamlessly integrate with your payments systems and administrative backend.  

Momentra solves many Social Determinants of Health

  • Sad Icon

    Loneliness and Social Isolation

  • Employees

    Medical and Medication Adherence Tactics

  • Arrows

    Care Navigation and Life Enrichment

Benefits to Our Partners

Happier and Healthier Members

Momentra Care Ambassadors help navigate care impacting SDoA, improving whole health and impacting cost drivers while improving plan experience

Reduced Burden on Labor Resources

Complement current services with Momentra and fill in the gaps in the continuum of care with efficient resources at scale

Conversion and Retention

Momentra helps Older Adults age at home for longer and with dignity, positively impacting key performance metrics for our partners

Seamless Integration

Momentra seamlessly integrates with Home Care agencies and Health Plans to deliver service at scale